Safety Stock

(Temporary) storage

When you depend on the supply of raw materials, you obviously don't want to run out unexpectedly. Disruptions in this supply can have major implications such as downtime of production lines or even entire factories. This, in turn, can lead to major financial consequences.

To prevent this, (temporary) storage of these raw materials can be used; a so-called 'Safety stock'. For example, one can choose to install storage tanks/silos, but this often requires large investments. A cheaper alternative is to use tank containers which act as flexible storage.

Vloeibaar Vervoer Engeland

Flexible depot

Melkweg|Fritom has years of experience in providing such storage facilities. By pre-loading additional containers, we can provide our clients with a flexible depot from which they can call off products. This way they do not have to make expensive investments, but they are always sure of timely deliveries of their raw materials.This way they do not have to make expensive investments, but they are always sure of timely deliveries of their raw materials.


A suitable storage solution for every issue

Every situation is different and we are well aware of this. For example, consumption and type of product are important in determining how many tanks should be in stock. Furthermore, the extent to which disruptions can take place on the route from the loading address to the unloading address is important. A route involving long distances by train or ship can create obstacles more quickly than when transported solely by truck. Think of weather conditions, strandings, breakdowns and strikes.

Because we use different ports, depots and partners, we can offer suitable storage options for every issue.

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Benefits of safety stock

  • Managing uncertainties
  • Preventing stock shortages
  • Minimize impact of supply disruptions
  • Compensate for forecast inaccuracies
  • Reduce rush orders
  • Increase efficiency
  • Just-in-Time Delivery

Interested in safety stock

by Melkweg|Fritom?


Anjess (1)

Anjess Dijksma
Sales Manager

Foto Willem 2

Willem Doorenbos
Sales Manager